GXE withdrawals on the BNB chain on is temporarily suspended, but they are expected to resume shortly.

11 Sep 2023, 08:38
GXE withdrawals on the BNB chain on is temporarily suspended, but they are expected to resume shortly. However, starting today, the calculation of the token for GXE Partner will be starting, which may cause inconvenience for those who are unable to withdraw. Even withdrawn on the ETH chain, the counting will still be performed, and if it is the same address, the tokens from different chains will be combined and calculated together. However, we understand that some wallet environments may not support the ETH chain, and in this case, we will have the following measures in response to this. ・Eligibility: Individuals who hold GXE on and are waiting for the resumption of transfers. ・Response: For individuals who submit the required information via the following form by September 12th 10:00 a.m. UTC, we will count the tokens on an individual basis. When withdrawing is resumed on https://t.co/OPmy52agow, it will required to transfer your tokens to an external wallet. #XENO #GXE