Maintenance. We will undergo a scheduled maintenance for the game and marketplace at the following date and time:.

18 Aug 2023, 11:13
📕Maintenance We will undergo a scheduled maintenance for the game and marketplace at the following date and time: ■Date and Time 8/21/2023 (Mon) 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. UTC (Scheduled) ■Maintenance Details Counting up the trophies for the conclusion of Arena Season 1 The highest earned trophies will be reflected in the ranking until the start of this maintenance. We appreciate with your continued support of PROJECT XENO. #XENO 📕Inquiries Regarding PROJECT XENO We have a "Beginner's Question Cafe" to ask any questions or concerns. Contact the team from below. We do not respond on Twitter and we appreciate your understanding. 📙Planned updates, issues currently worked on